Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

A wee sprinkling

Woke up this morning to bright sunshine and this wee sprinkling of snow. It continued to snow a little all through the day, but nothing worth writing home about thank goodness. We were also lucky last night in missing the power cut most of Edinburgh and Midlothian had. We did have no water on Friday morning though so perhaps that was our hiccup of the week, hope so.
A slow day today although I did go out into the snow to refill some of the bird feeders. Last year's favourite, suet pellets, have hardly been touched this year, very strange. I had to throw out a whole feeder full which had gone off. The snow was lovely, very dry pellets of snow almost like hail but much whiter, definitely not flakes. It made a wonderful crunching sound as I walked on it.
I had my reunion group this afternoon, nice to see the unmasked faces!
We watched the first episode of It's A Sin, last night, we've still some of Finding Alice to see too. Although tonight is quiz night on BBC2.
Keep safe and well everybody.

Lots more snow by bedtime. Tomorrow's blip?

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