Reach for the sky

It’s a bitterly cold day and so we were not out long. We found these along the cliff path, probably brought on by the few days of sunshine we have enjoyed. It’s trying to snow as I write and the windchill is supposed to be -6

Our son went to Waitrose and he shops for us too and so we collected from his house. Miss T is always excited to have some new ingredients to use.

We watched the local update after lunch and thankfully it seems that our lockdown is now beginning to work. There are less and less cases coming up from unknown sources and most are contacts having been traced and isolating.

It is confirmed that it is the faster moving strain from England as we all suspected which it seems behaves differently.
There are 10 people currently in hospital and some are in intensive care.
At present our active cases are 366 which is a slight drop as some people are beginning to recover. Apparently some are very ill and would advise everyone to do what they can to avoid it.

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