Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Half rabbit??? :-)

It has been a beautiful day here - spring is in the air! That is of course, a Norwegian spring, with snow, sun and mittens :-) More than anything else, what makes it feel like spring is that the light is coming back.....finally and lovely! It makes such a difference for me. I dont really mind the cold much but the darkness drains me a bit.

I went for a great walk this afternoon with Diesel and my camera. I got some good photos of the river, the trail and dripping trees...but when I thought about which of these photos will mean the most when I look back at them in a few year...this was the clear winner. Diesel is about the size of a big rabbit and when he runs, he looks like a rabbit...and today he was happy and running all over the place...made me smile :-) And do you like the power stick he is carrying?? :-)

Good day at work - busy but getting a big project finished up which feels great.....and nice busy eve here with the boys. A bit of a taxi eve but ok...nice that they are busy and doing good things.

Got to go...E and I are going to bathe Diesel and make carrot muffins!
Have a good night!

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