
By Houseonahill6

Today’s visitor

We may not be allowed to have any human visitors to the house but we are lucky to have wildlife popping in to keep us company.Today the Song thrush ventured into the garden.I’ve also seen the larger mistle thrush in the field.
We needed eggs so we had a trip out. It sooo cold Mike only got out to get the eggs and then we went to the Point to see what was going on. Quite windy so we stayed in the car. A long tailed duck landed on the sea in front of us and two Guillemots swam past. The kestrel was flying again above the golf course.
Home to watch a good game of Rugby with Scotland winning the Calcutta cup , the first time for 38 years.
We watch the film Greenland in the evening, a disaster movie, it was not very good really but we watched it to the end.

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