Worthing snow

Best looky eyes please - the south coast had all the snow today!

I got up nice and early to chase away the miserable thoughts of not enough free time before back to the work nonsense. I cleaned, tidied and cooked a bit then went and met Ella in the snow for a brisk walk. Just as well I was with an Icelandic rescue person for complete safety.

Home to discover the dishwasher had decided to not empty, Jay did mending stuff, we put on another wash - Jay convinced it was still broken, me assuming all would be fine. That’s how we work. It was all fine :)

Trouser sewing up next. Fiddled around with new pockets, flipping stuff round, new sewing. Still all the wrong way round. Have declared these pieces of fabric fundamentally broken and will start completely afresh. Next weekend.

Retreated to some new knitting. Which also went wrong and needs to be started again. It all passes the time and I refuse to get irritated. Plus I can still cook a top roast dinner so I think I just need another 20 years practice on sewing and knitting for all to be well.

Bath and then more it’s a sin. So hugely sad with top music.

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