Still Raining!

The rain is still coming down and hasn’t stopped since yesterday afternoon! Quite a deluge that has put out all the fires which is a huge relief and added a bit to the dams which were getting very low!! 

It was a perfect day for droplets and this Mother of Millions plant had lots of sparklers attached! :o)

No new cases of Covid again today so we’re pretty much in the clear - hopefully!!  Back to work for everyone tomorrow, mask wearing is mandatory for another week and then we’ll reassess!

Spent a little bit of time on the usual chores this morning, went and got us a Malaysian curry for lunch and the rest of the day has been a few movies on Netflix and some reading ahhh what a life!!    
Reality strikes tomorrow lol ; )

In extras the view from the rooftop garden, lots of rain, grey with no signs of life!

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