
By CharlotteJ

Sleepy Baby!

Up bright and early for my spin session....then headed out for a meeting and the SatNav took me down some glorious country lanes. I ended up being a bit late for my meeting, but who cares when nature is about and blip is on mind!! - here's the story

A farmer had just ploughed his two fields and no word of a lie there were about 25/30 massive red kites swooping and diving for food, such an amazing site! I have never seen so many all in one place. I just had to stand and watch and then grabbed my camera but didn't have my long lens with me.....I was trying to capture two birds together but my camera is just not up for the challenge the birds give with their speed. The Farmer was leaning up against his tractor watching the birds with a huge smile on his face!! I could have blipped him but didn't have the nerve to take a photo of him. Such a great sight, wish I could hav e shared it with you all. A little further down and a field of new mums and their you have a baby calf sleeping instead.
Back now at my desk and 101 things to get on with, so best say Happy Thursday to you all


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