Not a pretty sight

After four days of rain this is what our local river/stream is looking like. All that rain on the Lammermuir Hills is heading coastward where we live. This what it looks like at low tide at 3.00pm but at the time I am writing this (9.00pm) the river will definitely have flooded over its banks as during a normal tide the sea rises about two metres. Now that the car parks to John Muir Country Park have flooded and have been closed to all road users the bottom image shows the path we now have to walk with the dogs. Mud and wet is the order of the day. 

We live about 100yds from this river and our bungalow had to be built over a metre above the ground in order to escape possible flooding. Fortunately this has never become a reality though there have been times when there are pools of water in the paddock behind our property. Our daughter in York has not been so lucky as several years ago their house was flooded and they were away from their house for several months.

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