
The weather forecast is dire. Even if we don’t have deep snow, we’re facing freezing roads and wind and rain. I needed to exercise today, just in case.

Deep fog. I wanted somewhere close where I could walk briefly and take some photos. I headed for Castle Ring, the atmospheric Iron Age fort. The car park was locked ( they’ve had problems with drugs). 

I remembered a decent parking space opposite Gentleshaw Church. I couldn’t face the risks of mud and brambles again on the Common so I took a stroll in the churchyard.

It was so beautiful, so moving. I loved letting my mind gently wander. Peace. I felt glad to be alive and privileged (though cautious) to have received my vaccine. 

As I drove back home (total round trip distance about seven miles) I saw so many cyclists, joggers, dog walkers, horses being exercised.... the plus point of lockdown..... people appreciate the world around us.

Stay safe, my friends. 

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