
By alijay

Melting snow

My blip is one of our ' drains'! We don't have down pipes on our chalet ( maybe something to do with freezing or just the design/ look of chalets?). Some chalets have chains for water to drip/ run down but our roof water just pours from the end of the gutter into soak aways covered in stones. We are very aware of this at the moment as there is still a lot of snow on the roof melting as the temperatures are quite mild. It is like listening to a constant waterfall! I think the stones are pretty and if you look closely you can see the water pouring and splashing. 
A run after work - first time for a while on lanes up here  as now generally clear of ice. Then had my 1st wisdom tooth extracted.:((
I wasn't in any pain before (am just starting to feel it now) but the dentist said it was decaying, could get infected and he wasn t sure working on it would be succesful. 
(and another one to go when I' m ready). 

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