Here we go again – Day 32

Back at the beach again. We probably shouldn't be going out in the car to go for my walks because after all, a walk is a walk, and in first lock down one's daily exercise was supposed to start and end at your front door. Driving to exercise was considered to be non-essential and we never did it for almost three months. Our car went to the supermarket once a week and that was it.

However, this time around. It's cold, it's wet, it's dark! It feels like it's been raining for our whole life. And the advantage of going to the beach is; instead of getting wet and muddy, I get wet and sandy. Ann doesn't mind wet and sandy. A quick rub down with a towel and I'm all clean again.

And anyway to make the trip to the beach 'essential' Ann said that she would pop into 'The Range' en-route to buy me some more poo bags. Poo bags are essential, right? She also bought some more knitting wool because during the hours and hours that she spends watching TV, she knits blankets for little doggies who don't have such a nice home as I do. She's knitted 12 blankets in the last year though goodness only knows when she'll be allowed to deliver them to the doggies that need them. Our spare room is becoming a huge dumping ground for all sorts of things. Our friend, Diane, from Cornwall was supposed to be coming to stay in December. That was cancelled and she re-booked her flight for March. That's now been cancelled. Who knows when we'll be allowed to have anyone (apart from our support bubble) in our house?

Ann doesn't really understand why 'the Range' is open. OK, so it now has an 'Iceland' store (essential food and all that) within it, but it wouldn't actually be rocket science to close off the rest of the shop. It was really busy with families (with zillions of kids) just mooching around for no apparent reason. Ann went straight to the wool section and then onto the poo bag aisle. No queues at the tills so she probably wasn't even in the shop for 10 mins. And yet it's acceptable for all these people to have a little jolly out to the Range??!!

There were also a lot of people down on the beach today (yes I know it looks empty in this Blip) but it was mainly just people walking their pooches. Some of them wanted to play with me but I was playing with my ball because Ann wanted to tire me out. When I'm playing with my ball, I'm totally focused on my ball and I have no interest in playing with anyone else. We parked at Joppa and Ann's plan was to walk all the way along Porty & Seafield Beach and then turn around and walk back. That probably would have taken about 2 hours. Best laid plans and all that.......................

After about 5 mins it started to rain again. And it rained and rained and rained. Within 10 mins we were both soaked through to our skin. Really cold icy rain and Ann's wool gloves were wet and her hands got numb and her trousers were drenched and even her anorak started to let in water. And all the time I was running around after my ball, totally oblivious to the weather. Having said that, I must have known it was cold because when I flopped down for my rests, I didn't even think about flopping down in the sea which is what I normally do. I just flopped down on the sand.

After 50 mins Ann had, had enough. So we came home......................

…..................And that's been our Friday!!!

#thingscanonlygetbetter  #lifein2021

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