A leisurely start to the day and fuelled by our porridge and the long term forecast (a weather event for next week) we thought we better get out whilst the sun was shining. We did a massive walk, going inland this time through the russet moorland of Tullig, extreme squelchiness underfoot; up onto the drumlins of Maulimile overlooking Bantry Bay and Glanlough (where a rainbow occurred) and back along the road less travelled leading down into Rusnacaheragh. We saw:
a woman walking her dog
a man stacking his woodpile
Brendan driving his tractor
two ravens
four donkeys
a lot of sheep
a young man running in skimpy shorts
All weathers occurred and we ate our lunch ( oatcakes, cheese, apples and chocolate) on a large sheltered stile.
I'm hurtling through my extra pix!

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