
By EvelyneNC

View from Baystreet

In the olden days this is where the ferry coming from the other side of the river landed. In 1937 the bridge was finished, haven given work for builders for years, as it was intended. Similar to the project of Hitler when he started to have the “Autobahn” built all over Germany. I hate to admit it, but even that man did something good. Labour and bread for so many poor people in the times after the depression.
I enjoyed all my life the fruit of their labour.
Whenever I had a fast and easy drive to some goal in Germany or whenever we took a drive along the coast in the West of America where beautiful and exceptional bridges span the big rivers that flow into the ocean, I admired the ingenuity of man.

A beautiful day , warmer than predicted. I had to wait for a phone call from Germany which cut my chance for a walk on the beach short (because of the nine hours time difference between Germany and us, connections have to be made in the morning) so to enjoy the sun it was a short walk through Bay Street and the beach had to wait until another day.
Thai take out today. I just love their food!

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