There She Blows!

On This Day In History
146 BCE: Punic Wars, between Rome and Carthage, come to an end.

Quote Of The Day
"Music is the soul of geometry."
(Paul Claudel)

It was a busy week for the children of years four to six as they sat their International Schools' Assessment (I.S.A.) tests in English Writing, Reading and Mathematical Literacy. So I planned some fun activities to lighten things up for them. Yesterday we did the Coke and Mentos experiment to explore what factors affect the height of a coke geyser, and today we erupted our five volcano models using baking soda, washing-up liquid, food dye and vinegar. The results were explosive!

I love my job!

This is Mauna Loa, not Humuhumunukunukuapua'a  

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