Baking cookies

Thank you all for your lovely comments for Xander .

I literally did about 15minutes of homeschooling today. He just wasn't interested. And I wasn't going to push it with him.
I'm trying to teach Lincoln letter recognition, he knows a couple of letters but he's not interested either so I got him to work on some pencil control following lines and patterns. That he enjoys.
Harp today was learning lowercase letters. And she learned to read four word's. Cat, sat, mat and hat. And the Jedi now knows to say the word poo. Lol .

My neighbour messaged saying one of her son's guinea pigs had died and he was devastated. So to cheer him up we baked him some cookies. He loves my cookies and would rather have mines than his mum's. It's so funny as we both use the same recipe. I doubled the batch and made some for another neighbour too as she missed out last time . The Wildlings love baking and love the end product too.

The Jedi was unsettled with his teeth for half the day so he got Calpol which made him get on better. Doesn't stop him from eating. He eats more than Lincoln.

It's been another good day for us. I do look forward to bed time though and I hope Mr R comes home earlier so we can have a early dinner. Early for him is around 8pm. I'd rather we have it at a normal time and not nearly bed time .

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