Looking South

By 13south

Belt and Braces

The council has asked all lollipop persons to take weekly Covid tests ahead of schools re-opening.  The tests aren't compulsory and if we decline we may be allowed to continue working.  I can read between the lines as well as the next person and I'm happy to be tested anytime, so I presented myself at the Christchurch civic centre: not early and not late as requested.  Then had to fill in an unexpected and tedious form on my mobile phone which made me late.  It was plain sailing after that and the (negative) result was on my phone before I even got home.

My surgery then asked me to make an appointment for my first jab.  Wow! Great stuff!  They are speeding along.  So I phoned the Novavax research department to find out whether I'd been given the jabs or the placebo last November.  Sorry.  They couldn't tell me until I had a definite vaccine appointment booked.  Put phone down and made appointment: Sunday morning.  That's good.  Phoned research department again.  Sorry.  They couldn't unblind me over the phone.  I would have to have an appointment at the department first.  "So I have to cancel my vaccination booking then?"  I think she could hear the steam coming out of my ears.  So either I will get a research department appointment tomorrow, or she will grant me special dispensation to be unblinded over the phone.  I'm still waiting to hear . . .

The nice bit was a walk on Christchurch Quay after it stopped raining.  I've tried hard to stay with essential journeys only, so I haven't been to Christchurch for ages.

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