Shadow Riders

This morning CC my rolling tripod (pictured here) and I headed up to the library to bring back a bunch of books and pick up a few more. Coming out I saw that the bikes were casting some interesting shadows and remembering that today's Wide Wednesday challenge (hosted by BobsBlips - thank you) suggested making a connection to movie titles, Shadow Riders came to mind, a TV movie starring Sam Elliot and Tom Selleck.

It worked for me, particularly since some have suggested that I bear a striking resemblace to an older Tom Selleck (not the younger Magnum version) having shaved my beard but left my moustache intact. That, as they say, is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Spent a couple of hours online this morning waiting in the queue trying to get an appointment for a Covid vaccination. Watched the counter go from 3400 available to zero and never made it past the home page ... (deep sigh). Maybe the 6th time will be the charm.

Be safe folks. Be kind. Care.

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