Some Good News
The weather is bloody atrocious! Blizzard and minus all day. I did a workout in the morning then back to Harvie the Vet for Breagha’s follow up.
She trotted in with him when he came to pick her up at the front door. I saw another dog refusing to go with the other vet:(
He called me on my mobile after examining her and declared that the ulcer had gone, but was wary of stopping the medication for it as this is quick for an ulcer to disappear so keep going till next week. The conjunctivitis is still hanging around so also keep going with it.
About her lack of bark and howl, he said a couple of molars at the back need treated and he thinks it’s due to infection from the molars. He could see no swelling in her lymph nodes so once the eyes are sorted she will get back in for the teeth.
I miss her howl of greeting when she sees me and it’s sad seeing her bark at the bad burdies (pigeons) and nothing coming out.
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