Doing my own thing ....

The sheep is in this field were curious in that they looked at me as I walked past and come over towards me,  most un-sheeplike.  I suspect they are associating humans with food. 

I felt better for my afternoon of rest yesterday and had a productive day - in addition to our walk (which was bitterly cold), I did my first Yoga with Adriene video (and thoroughly enjoyed them), practiced my Gaelic  (including the following topical sentence  "Cha bhi e ag èisteachd ri luchd-saidheans. Tha e gòrach." *), read my "upstairs" book (aka fiction) downstairs at lunchtime (previously reserved for my non-fiction "downstairs" book), baked bread, made tea and caught up with admin.

Actually that sounds like quite a lot but it didn't feel like that, possibly because I didn't need to rush and didn't have to any of them today (expect making tea)  

* He doesn't  listen to scientists. He is stupid  

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