There’s No Bad Weather...........

There is no such thing as bad weather, just inadequate clothing. The foul weather today did not put this lady of her daily walk on the wild side and so sporting a new waterproof raincoat which she wanted to put through its paces, out she strode into the teeth of the sleet and wind. 4+ miles later via Morningside, Marchmont and Sciennes, she arrived home to give the coat a rating of 10/10.

It was indeed foul weather and the walk was more of a trial than a pleasure, but I was rewarded when I got home with a hot coffee and a phone call from a friend I haven’t spoken to for over a year. We made the plans everyone is making these days to meet up as soon as the restrictions are lifted.

Now I find I have to brave the weather once more to buy a birthday card for my ‘soup lady’s’ husband whose 50th birthday is tomorrow. She arrived at lunch time with courgette soup for me and the birthday news. It is still foul outside, but I can trust my new raincoat.

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