Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Eyes (and Hooks)

I finished the patterned part of my Fair Isle waistcoat at the weekend. Now there's just the matter of taking the scissors to the front and the armholes, and knitting the bands. 

I hate making buttonholes in knitting, all that measuring and calculating, and I never seem to get it quite right. 

In my button box I found these pewter clasps - bought more than 50 years ago in Norway House in Edinburgh. What a paradise that place was - two floors of Scandinavian wood, glass and textiles, and downstairs they sold wool and knitting patterns and the braid and clasps to go with them. I made a sweater and a cardigan for TM (young love ...) and he wore them for years and years. The clasps were kept when the sweaters went to the rag-and-bone man, and they have been on one or two other garments since. 

I counted them - one is missing. That's ok, there's enough.  And, as it happens, today's Tiny Tuesday challenge is 'multiples of the same item'.  Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for doing the hosting this month.  

There's a bigger shot in extras, I preferred the weird effect the closer crop gave.

The only news today - I'm getting jabbed on Thursday morning :-)

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