I've heard it said, that Dreamers never lie.

I wanted to get in sharp today, to thank you all very, very much for your lovely comments about my frivolity.  

I'm Glad You Enjoy my witterings. 

I'm coming out of the hole at work... I can see light... I have a meeting with the Auditor tomorrow and I'm not in the least worried. 

I'm looking at that photo of me - i thought you all deserved a treat.  

That's my quietly satisfied with life look. 

I'm on top of it again.  My little people have started climbing over my desk, and I'm getting the schedules all adding up first time. WOOOOOP Go Me! 

I was talking to my boss today - the Big Boss, as opposed to the Other Boss.  

The Big Boss owns the company and I will always defer to him.  

When I'm stressed, ten minutes chatting with him, and I'm back on even ground again.   I was telling him who I thought he needed to speak to this week.  He has a very positive effect on everyone.   

He asked me "am I the Company Downer?"

I said, "No, You are the Company Upper". 

He has a wonderful way of making us all realise - It's a job, it's not life.   

No one is going to die (I hope) from work.  

We come to the Job to enable us to LIVE.  We don't Live to Work. 

It's a very good philsophy to have, and it's one which has chilled many folk in the office out many times.  (Me probably more than my fair share) 

Have a Lovely Evening Peeps. 

I'll see you tomorrow.   

PS and How lovely to make it to Page 1 of Popular twice within 2 weeks.  In Eleven years, I've never done that.  (I'm really chuffed) 

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