
It's so lovely to lie in bed all warm and look out at the snow falling (with the lockdown luxury of not having to worry about driving to work or anywhere else for that matter). I finished "Little Dorrit", a day late but the next Dickens book on the list is  "A Tale of Two Cities" which is a lot shorter so I'm still on schedule :-)

I had a text from a neighbour asking me if I could  take some photos of her holiday cottage for her website. She has been waiting for a snowy day...I said it would have to be quick as the forecast was for sleet by lunchtime, and by the time I had walked there (just over a mile away) the snow was already getting slushy. This photo is taken from her cottage - we live on the other side of this hill and it's interesting to see it from a different perspective.

I came across an interesting photo project today - #1000 steps, which kind of fits with my way of life right now.

And finally, it is Candlemas - 40 days after Christmas and time to take down the holly wreath from our front door.

If Candlemas Day be fair and bright, 
Winter will have another flight; 
But if it be dark with clouds and rain, 
Winter is gone, and will not come again.


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