You think You Got it, Got it!....

So, three years not out.

Thank you all so, so much for stopping by and celebrating with me on my Blip Day, it was quite, quite overwhelming. It's taken me over an hour to stop by and say thank you to everyone.

When I was younger, my friend had a diary. She detailed every minute of our adventures in it... and had a scoring system for snogs.

One afternoon, her brother was in the room and started mouching round the room, the way brothers are prone to do. Quite how he did it in front of us, I will never know, but he got the diary. And Ran. And locked himself in the bathroom, and began to read, out loud from January 1st.

My mate nearly broke the bathroom door down trying to get in and make him stop, and then decided that it was easier to just make noise outside the door to prevent anyone hearing.

The star scoring system for snogs was quite amusing, especially in the special voice he was using to read it, and then it got quite violent when he started matching initials up to the names of people he knew.

It was both the most horrific and the funniest thing I had witnessed in a long while.

I nearly pee'd my pants watching it unfold.

Thank christ she never wrote about me in it.

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