Indoor Blip: Speggled
More spot-lit in large
Another egg! I think that's four now, and it's still e[x]citing to find them. I'm told (by the eggspert) that they are peerless in their subtle richness, so what the duckules lack in production quantity they more than make up for in quality? Still not sure who they belong to (we've ruled out Flügel...), but Koi looks smaller than before, so we suspect that they're her attempt to bribe us into accepting their submission that they shouldn't be classed as poultry as far as DEFRA and lockdowns are concerned. Perhaps it is a group effort; I can't believe that Kappa is involved, as each of these little eggs would be too significant a proportion of her tiny volume (and she doesn't look deflated...).
Others here (or right from Posing the egg)
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