Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Wise Guy...

Don't mess with Mama's wine! I may have spent two hours waiting in line today to sign you up for the "Weiterführende Schule" - meaning you enter the German secondary school system next August - but you still can't legally drink for another six years and even then, you DON'T touch MY wine!

This little man, the last of my brood, would gladly pose every day for my Blips. He loves the camera almost as much as giving mommy hugs. I'd be lost without him and will be heartbroken when he realizes he's not suppose to be so darn good and charming and cute all the time.

Crasy busy day. I started off the morning with a job interview. It went well but was only with the placement agency, so we need to see if their client likes my application. Fingers crossed. Then I managed a bunch of housework, followed by the aforementioned two plus hours waiting in line to sign my youngest up for the school he'll attend in the fall. After making the kids dinner and wrestling my wine back from wise guy, I spent two hours on the phone getting an orientation and training for a short-term contract job I have for the next month. Fun and games.

In other notes, my oldest started at a new school on Monday and so far, she is loving it. I'm really glad to see her happy after the incredibly stressful year she's been through. Poor daughter number two is not only still unhappy at school but also completely under the weather since her ski trip last week. And my older son has informed me he has multiple personalities. Right.

How do my British friends say? "Keep calm and carry on."

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