Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Sights from my Bike Ride

Yesterday would have been the better day to ride.  The forecast was for an even warmer, sunnier day today.  It was wrong!  It was supposed to warm up to 60 F, so I left when it was 49 thinking the sky would clear and it would warm up.  It might have gotten a few degrees warmer but about an hour into the ride, it started feeling colder again and the sun never made an appearance so I worked my way back home.  It was 45 when I got home and I was glad to get into the warm house!  I rode 24 miles. :-)

My collage doesn't need much explanation today.  The middle bird is an American Kestrel.  There are a lot of them around in the winter but I usually catch them on a wire.  I liked the natural setting in this shot.   

I am grateful that PD just built a fire and he's waiting for me to light it. :-))

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