Healing from loss under Our Guardian Oaktree

Starting with light snowing this pre-Groundhogday became a quiet resting day. Breaking down my monthlong CNN and BBC-addiction. Good luck you old Republicans! I’ll read about you in reports on Google-News now&then. And All the Fuzz on the downfall of your Big Immortal Wizard of Trumpkin Circus you may keep it. I prefer listening to Willemien’s Music.
I do no longer fear that stinging confrontation with absolute loss, feeling touched by melodies which She would love so intensely. The dancemusic which would make us embrace each other. Now I understand that I may trust G’d in  giving me the strenght to leave in Love everything in me that died with Her. To let Us leave in Love’s resurrection. I  pray to learn how to recieve back in a spiritual way, our lost bodies and minds.
Indeed, the Sacred Art of accepting the turning of your Loss into Win is profoundly a matter of Spirit and Faith. Of learning to take up your cross (Matthew 10; 38/39 and 16;24). And I can only take on this calling seriously in the Truthfull Sincerity of Our Heart, that Eternal Treasure of the Power of Love. Ohyes, all beautifull words, words, words, My skeptical DearestLove would remark….
And indeed, therefore I do my daily exercises in practicing this “Stirb&Werde” (Die&Become). Grieving as Growing in purifying my Heart from all those false beliefs, idols of obssesive wordly desires, addictions of Ego-centered Power. Here is my everyday practice in confrontation with the ultimate ground of my grievances, my impossibilities: my true need  and desire for a liberating deepening of my Spiritual Faith.
Let me close up with a simple but inspiring example so nearby. You know of course about our Guardian Oaktree. Among its Acorns you will find our websites. Mischa initiated long ago her www.theoaktreefactory.com Willemien’s site was called www.oakhillside.com and mine: www.wistfuloak.com Mischa’s Factory is most effective work in progress as you can see in the Extra today. By courtesy of Mischa who send me  the picture: A real mobile Oaktree&Squirrel as a moving symbol of healing of trauma and loss.

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