Its the beginning of February today so let's hope that the horrible weather of January is now over. Today was not a good start with a cold, damp and grey day.
Monday mornings are always busy for me as I need to do laundry, walk Xena, wash her off and then get to the supermarket to get groceries. By the time I got back from Waitrose it was after lunch and I was pleased that I had some butternut soup left over from the weekend to eat for my late lunch.
I spent the afternoon working on some images for the final session tomorrow of the texture course I did. This is one of the images I worked on - firstly I created a texture background from a blank canvas using brushes and my own colour swatch (the colour swatch was made from other tulip images). This was placed over the image of the tulip and then another texture was added. It's just a bit of fun to do on a boring winter afternoon!
Tonight I have camera club, it's another competition so it is always interesting to hear the judges comments. We get different external judges for every competition so that does help to make it fair.
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