
By JennyOwen

Chocolote therapy

Today got off to a busier-than-expected start when Ruth phoned at breakfast time.  Eben had had a major tantrum when they were due to set off for school; she was juggling Luca too, as Josh had gone to work, and everything had got a bit stuck.  So she asked if I would mind walking E to school for her.
By the time I arrived, she had Eben settled on the picnic bench in the garden, eating some bread and peanut butter. He had calmed down, and she had settled Luca for a nap in his pushchair.  Eben was delighted to finish his snack and walk to school with me.  Ruth's judgement that this would unblock the whole situation had been right. We were able to keep to sensible outdoor Covid precautions without too much trouble - he's old enough to understand it enough, at nearly 5.
What a lovely 15 mins or so we had, chatting as we went and looking ahead together to when he'll be able to come and stay over with us again.  It turned out that E had woken up very early and just got himself into a tired and hungry state by school time. A second breakfast, plus the distraction of Nana, were all that was needed.  After I'd dropped him off, there was time for a chat in the garden with Ruth, and a good catch-up about how she and Josh are doing in these first few weeks of their new job (very well, so far, very happy).
It was a reminder of everything that we have to look forward to, post-lockdown.... whenever that might be.
Then this afternoon I experimented with a chocolate brownie recipe from the wonderful book by Harry Eastwood, 'Red Velvet and Chocolate Heartache'.  As well as copious amounts of chocolate, it includes beetroot and hazelnuts. You can pretend it's part of your 5 a day :-) 
The brownies turned out to be wonderful, as are all her recipes in my experience.

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