Blown away

Tad breezy today. Phone app says gusts in excess of 83kmh/54mph. This selfie was taken during my attempt to snap a pic of bendy bushes in the garden to illustrate the conditions - but I think this pic says it better, while also making you think I'm related to Cousin It.  Either way, I nearly got blown over (dedication to blip or what?) so I can safely say that it was somewhat blustery - and continues to be so as I write this at 22.30.

My day consisted of several local cats wishing to shelter in my sun room (ok), a couple of hours online tutoring this afternoon (very enjoyable) and now a post dinner video call with Caitlin in Istanbul for 2.5 hours during which an intense but brief total black out power cut gave me a very eerie candle lit selfie on my phone as we carried on talking... but the windy one wins the day.

Just remembered it's 1st February.  Where did January go?  Blown away?

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