Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


I didn’t blip yesterday as I was very sad to hear of the death of my friend’s husband. He was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease 3 years ago and he gradually lost all his physical capacity but remained mentally alert to the end. She took care of him 24/7 at home. A very happy couple and she is devastated. In the last year she had to do literally everything for him being mindful of his dignity and awareness. She is just a gem. I couldn’t stop crying when I heard of his death. He was a good guy. It reminded me of my own husband’s illness when his bladder was removed due to cancer. Without giving any details, you can imagine how difficult that was for him. He was a huntin shootin fishin kind of guy but became bedridden as the cancer advanced to his lungs and then his bones. I will always be glad I was able to take care of him. But my friend’s husband’s death brought it all back to me like a tsunami and I was very blue yesterday.

The weather is atrocious here in Dublin but I swam in choppy waters this morning.

I wanted to do mono monday although I haven’t a clue what low key means. I told Vince I wanted to capture his image in low key and he is furious to think I have downgraded him that way. So he is sulking somewhere in the garden. Mini happily posed but I think she looks pretty in brown and white with her black gypsy eyes. So I am sidestepping mono to let you see what a cutie pie she is.

Today is Saint Brigid’s Day - officially the first day of Spring. La Fheile Bride inniu

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