
By BernardYoung

Oh the creatures

The long necked
The short legged
The feathery
The leathery
The swimmers
The burrowers
The swift
The slow
The biters
The purrers
The lethal
sting in the tailers
The delicate ones
blown far from home by storms
The hardy survivors
Oh the weird and wonderful forms
I’ve seen
on David Attenborough’s programmes…
oh the creatures!
  *  *  *
I watched a tiny spider
cocoon a fly,
speedily and efficiently
wrapping it in silk…
  *  *  *
Oh the creatures
that live alongside us
the mind-boggling
miraculous creatures.
Though if you inform me
we have a God
we must praise
for all that is wonderful
I’ll be asking
why flood
why fire
why cancer etc
why COVID-19?

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