Boing Boing

Mixed emotions today.

Anxiety about trying to Zoom having never done it before, even although it was with family & extended family otherside. Isn't it amazing speaking to folk from all over at same time?

Once started, happy birthday sang to JW, magic tricks, jokes, photo history quiz, make a nature tray, poetry, soft drinks for me.

Actually okay but didn't want to touch screen incase did wrong thing. And did manage to join in a bit. I managed to enjoy myself a little.

Felt sad tonight to hear of a local photographer had passed away. Especially more so at this time when can't get to usual nature haunts without taking a bus, it is nice to see these places & wildlife from other Togs' eyes. RH did a lot of nature & places pics along Water of Leith, Saughton Park, Colinton Dell & further afield when not in lockdown.

As I don't say it enough, thank you for sharing your photo journey, I may not engage much, but I do enjoy such a variety of nature, wildlife, street, styles, emotional, family, daft, always learning & although haven't participated in challenges for a while it is interesting to look through.

Thank you for keeping me going through lockdown.

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