Lot 11

Delighted to have a successful outcome in the silent auction organised by the Scottish Wild Beaver Group (and I believe Extinction Rebellion Scotland) to commemorate the 87 protected beavers killed under the licence of Scottish Natural Heritage – as it was in 2019, it’s now called NatureScot. Funds raised will be used to persuade Scottish Government to move more beavers to sites in Scotland where their biodiversity would be welcomed and appreciated.
My painting is a watercolour by Lizzie Jones who lives and works in Skye. One of my first day trip excursions when the restrictions are eased will be to Knapdale in Argyll where a number of troublesome beavers from Tayside were relocated in 2019. On my last visit there were  two clearly visible lodges, sadly no beavers seen on that occasion. May/June I think would be  good months, plenty of daylight latish into the evening.
Day 11 (I’m losing count a bit) of the Yoga Challenge complete. Mainly balance, trees and warrior three, that sort of thing.

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