Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

A difficult day

Today was my godmothers funeral. What I saw of the service was lovely but Henry decided he wanted to run around so I spent most of it outside walking around the church. We went in for the hymns and he seemed to enjoy that.

He was great during the wake despite having only had a 30 min nap, interacting with people and eating loads (today's blip is him polishing off a samosa!) - I think I counted 2 sandwiches, 2 samosas, a huge piece of cake, a strawberry and some fruit cake. By the time we left he was very grumpy and we had to have an emergency milk stop in a lay by. After that he went to sleep, but was still grizzly when we got home. Then puked all over me. Yuck - I hate sick.

He perked up after that and enjoyed bathtime and is in bed now. I'm hoping he was just overtired and had eaten too much but I've got a sneaking feeling he's got a bug. Oh well, I've got lots of towels out ready and spare changes of clothes just in case!

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