Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

Ive got my eye on you

Its been a good day today!
Firstly i had a good nights sleep.
Oh bliss

Then at work, we had our usual wednesday morning briefing, when one of the beauty therapists noticed that i was rubbing my back.' Is your back still bad?' she said, 'why dont you come down and have a massage i have a class at 10'
Why not i thought (not many perks at work might as well try it)

Oh it was wonderful, with hot stones and the works!
The only thing was i didnt feel like going to teach then! i felt more like a sleep,

Went and told my boss id had a massage instead of doing my admin and she said 'if it helped have on every week, no need to make the time up either'
i love my boss (today)
Oh bliss

My group were little stars (i love that group) (today)
Oh bliss

Four people commented on how much weight id lost! (YES)
Oh bliss

Then i finish at 3pm on Wednesdays and it was beautifully sunny.
So rushed home andon with jeans, sweatshirt and trainers only (no gloves, scalve, wellies coat)
oh bliss!

Off to the Netherwoods we went, me and Sprouty, camera in hand (my hand)
The sun shining, all is good. We had the whole place to ourselves.
Oh bliss
I pass a tree everytime i head to the woods and i wink at it everytime.

This is the tree. I think im expecting it to wink back one day

Back home, bit of felting, stir fry for tea (one of my favourites)
oh bliss
If the day carrys on i should sleep well tonight too
Happy days!
Hope you all had a good day too!

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