Daunti's world

By daunti

On the other side of the big "C"

My Covid story ...

I worried, stressed and feared over the big "C" for the past 10 months. I've missed a ton of times with my daughters and grandkids because I was following the rules when I was in my northern home, not to mention I did not get together with friends and extended family. We didn't do the holidays together, we didn't do a lot of anything together. Yes it's been a strange year as we are all experiencing. After the new year I left my northern home to come south to my Florida home ... to skip winter. It's what we do, my husband and I. I have a whole other life here in Melbourne Beach, with a whole other community and close friends. The 'Mann' and I got here on a Sunday, and Monday evening I had plans to get together with my soul sisters. I haven't seen my soul sisters here in Florida for seven months. There are four of us. Soul sisters ... ones who share the love of Jesus together, and share and care about each other in depth. Three of us got together for two hours to share some wine and food and catch up. No one was sick that evening, no one had any kind of symptoms. The excitement of seeing them overtook my caution of letting my guard down. A few days after we were together one started to experience symptoms, following day, myself and the following day the other. Two hours together no one sick at the time and we all came down with the big "C". Yep, I let my guard down. I can't go back and change things, just need to find lessons learned and share my experience. I see people together here, saw people together north, never do I ever want anyone getting sick, why us, most likely need to let that one go! Don't look back! I won't go into detail or give attention to the virus, just that we all caught it, but I am blown away by how contagious it really is and you know what I was aware of this. I am healing and on the other side, thank the good Lord and I am soo grateful. I think of all the people in the world affected in all different ways and my thoughts and prayers go out to families who have lost loved ones and the ones still struggling in one way or another. My other two girlfriends did get hit a lot harder than myself. One is still having a hard time as we are all closing in on our two weeks, prayers for her please. Tomorrow it will be three weeks since that Monday night we got together. I feel better each day, I feel stronger each day but I am taking it real slow and easy and I am listening to my bodies need for rest. At this point dealing mostly with what they call the "Covid fog". I'm still soul searching and finding the lessons learned in all of this, it's what I do. But I think my message has to be ... you can not let your guard down. Two hours together, a glass of wine and some appetizers and boom! Grateful for healing!!!! Grateful for prayers!!!!Thank you God!!! On another note, the Mann is fine, and praise the good Lord for that! Stay healthy, stay safe, this virus is a tricky one and affects everyone differently.

One night, one time, guard let down ...

So I will leave you with some wise advice a good friend gave me. "I think maybe it’s just a reminder that worrying and living in fear don’t protect us. So live thoughtfully, but not fearfully. This makes room for Love, no matter what happens "♥️

First time in two weeks I've been to the beach. Morning beach shot, feeling so grateful!!!

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