Flooded Lane 1, Nr. Four Acres

I've been away from work since Tuesday as I had caught up with work again. However, it has been on my mind even though I have been at home. This is due to a member of staff testing positive. This person had been in contact with one of our technicians who was told to self isolate. The first I learnt about it was a "by the way" at the end of an e-mail chain.
As photographers we have to work with technicians with whom we cannot always socially distance (we do always wear masks) and they, of course, also interact with each other. At no point  was there any official communication about this even though everyone else knew about the situation. I raised my concern about the matter but distinctly felt like I was being treated as a nuisance, someone who was casing a problem. As of yet I still have no idea if the technician has tested positive or not as I haven't heard anything else. I'm feeling as if I'm having to really push hard all the time for more information.
On to better things, though. It was a lovely cold crisp morning today so me and my brother decided to go out for a photographic walk. Due to all the rain over the past few days the fields were flooded in places, as were some of the narrow country lanes like the one in today's main image and the extra "Flooded Lane 2, Nr. Four Acres)". Four Acres is a slightly strange housing estate of Sixties properties marooned in the middle of the countryside and it's approaches are down the said very narrow lanes I've captures in these two images.

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