Strike that. Reverse it!


Under the Blood Red Sky!

A very busy meeting full day today. The type of day when you've thought far too hard all day and given yourself a headache!

This mornings meeting I thought was going to be a complete waste of time, its always good when you're proven wrong. Usually external companies come in and the software they demo, although newer, can never deliver what we need it to. However, this company ticked so many current boxes and many on our wish list, so much potential too. To say we were excited would be an under statement. The next hurdle is convincing everyone else and going out to tender, but was a really great day work wise.

I was working late and spotted the sun setting out of the office. Fantastic I thought, theres my blip sorted. So I dashed to the kitchen on the second floor which has gorgeous floor to ceiling windows with panaromic views over towards Emley Tower. Only problem the windows were absolutely filthy! What is the point of building an office which is mainly windows and not having a window cleaner!!!!! So like a blipcrazed loon I had to dash out of the building and down the side. I'm sure my colleagues must think I'm possessed sometimes, when blips on the mind I can't think of anything else. I do think it was worth it, I just wish I could work out all these functions on this canon compact. If it was nikon I'd be fine but have to rely on auto mode which I dont like to do.

Anyway its been a really good day but my head is spinning and eyes are all blurred from too much concentrating. Early night for me I think.

Happy Wednesday to all xxx

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