
By stellarossa


The water has been rising for days. These are the fields where I would normally walk Juno... she is getting less and less space to run around. The promised snow did not emerge, but the rain was icy and by the time get got back both the pup and I were shivering and curled up on the sofa with a blanket and the crossword.

Friday 29th
Yesterday we met Cathie and her dog Frankie for our regular Friday morning walk. This time we explored Bagley Woods - I’ve been nervous to come here because there isn’t a good fence between the woods and the busy A34 and heard recently of a puppy being hit by a car after chasing a deer into the road (the deer survived).

It was raining heavily and perilously muddy in places but after a long stretch that felt like walking through treacle, we found a small path, taking us across streams and through lovely woodland. The sun came out and we stopped for a few minutes to rest on a fallen tree and dry out a bit. Then we ambitiously decided to cross a stream, I jumped over to what I though was a solid ledge only to find it dissolve under me plunging me into a thigh high stream. Even my glorious new boots were insufficient in keeping me dry this time. Thankfully it was getting warmer and we walked briskly to the car. I had to do 3 hours of work calls in damp clothes and by the end was ready to jump in a hot bath.

Josh worked on making a raised bed in the garden with sleepers at the site of the autumn pruning massacre. Now we need to get a large bag of topsoil delivered for him to wheel through the house and I can start planning the planting.

Yesterday’s events reported here because I failed to take a photo yesterday despite it being a much more interested day than today. Rookie blip error!

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