Snow Piles

This is the view from the bench on our new deck.  Jan dug out the bench a few days ago, as seen on her blip.  We sat out there for 10 minutes or so this morning as the sun shone on the bench, but it was really a bit chilly so we enjyed the experience for a while and then headed back inside.
As you can see there is a fine snow pile outside our house, and a similar one disappearing out of the picture on the left.  These two pile are the snow that has been cleared from our drive by our neighbour with the tractor.  The red pole marks the end of the steps from the deck down to the garden. Hopefully it prevents the end of the steps from getting ploughed away with the snow.
The general feeling of being off-colour that I've had the last few days has now coalesced into something more tangible. Even though it was another lovely winter's day I stayed inside, apart from the brief trip out to the bench this morning. Jan reckons I'm a day behind her, and she feels a lot more perky today, so I hope she is right.
I did manage to bake the sourdough crispbread I prepared yesterday. The latest version of my evolving recipe is to be found here. I also got both today's and yesterday's blip in place, so the day wasn't wasted.
Time for a bit of TV and then an early night for me.

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