The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Small Story Saturday*

Another Patchwork Quilt - bridging the gap between a pic and 1000 words. Thanks to Silly Saturday for sharing their day with me.. 
Saying Goodbye in America : The Letter  (loosely based on a true story)

The latest draft of the letter ended up in the wastebasket along with the others. Four pages painstakingly crafted in her neat, floral handwriting on the stationary she had gotten from her mother that Christmas. Of the four attempts it had been the longest and easiest to write, more of an autobiography than letter. It told of little girl dreams, Prince Charming, a fairy tale romance, and the rude awakenings of the day to day of getting by. 

In other words, real life. It was drivel and she knew it.

Taking out her grandmother's old but still functional Remington, hoping she supposed to channel the strength of a self described “gutsy old broad” she typed:

Dear John,

“Dear John”


Then, pulling the paper from the machine's roller with with a satisfying zippt kind of sound, she folded it, put it in an envelope she had already addressed, and included it with the other mail ready to go out the next morning. 

Looking at the pile she couldn't help but think with a half sigh half chuckle, that the pile included two bills and one John. Then, turning off the light, she headed off to bed hoping for better dreams.

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