Happy Daze

By Dazed

Tween Graffiti

This is a long ago piece of artwork of mine that I blipped when round at my Mum's this evening. I think I was about 12 or 13 when I did this and I'm not sure why I included a hash leaf and a bottle of tequila - obviously pretending to be more worldly than I was.

I can't take credit for the people on camels as that was my friend Alexa who was an excellent artist. She probably still is but sadly I haven't seen her for ages, we lost touch after school and have only run into each other a couple of times over the years. They're supposed to be us as carpet sellers in the Middle East.....can't remember why!

How cool is my Mum, I was actually allowed to paint this ON THE WALL. And it's still there ohhhhhh, quite a few years later :)

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