
By SpotsOfTime


It’s three cheers for Ally. I went through to start clearing her today and he told me he’d texted the buyer and accused him of reneging on what he had already agreed with him on my behalf and said that as a result he was going to charge the equivalent for delivery to the buyer’s parents in a nearby village (which he’d previously offered to do gratis) or start charging £50 a day for storage. There was a bit of text argy-bargy as the guy realised he’d been found out. Top chap, Ally.
I paid him for the work he’s already done which is the major part of what it’s being sold for and told Ally I’d like him to have the extra bit he’d sorted for me but he didn’t want that so I said I’d like to at least split the difference saying it has meant a lot not to have to be so directly involved in the sale with people looking at it at home, kicking the tyres, shaking heads and tutting at all her faults.

So, here we are, my last look. I couldn’t help but draw the parallels. I’d bought her here to get some work done to get her through the MOT thinking I’d be bringing her home for a bit more time, only to find she needed intensive care and it was the end of our road together. Pretty much what happened to her dad.

After trips back and forth I’m now surrounded by stuff to sort and can hardly move around the kitchen (extra). Here I am again. I’m so worn out with all this wretched sorting. It just feels like starting it all over again. There’s another small life’s worth of nooks and crannies in a camper. Found a pair of his trousers with 50p in the pocket so I’m ahead.

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