These Boots....
...were not meant for walking through mud!!
Actually walking is not the correct term - it's more a squelch through the woods! The amount of rain and number of people now walking in the woods due to covid and the increase of dog owning people, have meant some parts are just water filled footprints in the mud. So yesterday I decided to wear my lovely tall boots to prevent the mud and water pouring into my walking boots. However I forgot that these boots do not have great traction - and yes I slipped in the mud! Luckily I had Vegan Jo with me, she was joining me for a chat at Nellie of the Woods.
I say luckily as my fall was a serious one - I did something to my knee and was in excruciating pain and I just held my knee and howled! My neighbour came across us and once I had stopped howling they managed to get me up on my feet. Leaning on Jo she and I made very slow progress back to my house. Jo helped me out of my boots and trousers - I managed to change my own knickers! I was soaked in muddy water where I had been sprawled on the path! I took some aspirin and sat with a bag of frozen peas on my knee whilst she made me a drink!
I made myself periodically move around the kitchen for the rest of the day to stop my knee from seizing up. I arranged someone else to do my hen open the next day and booked a slot in the field for the next 7 days. Last time my knee became bad for reason unknown, I was still able to drive so hoped the same would be true this time. The Exile kindly took Oscar out in the eve - which he was happy about!
I didn't sleep well, my knee was painful, but at least it meant I was changing my position so again my knee didn't seize up. Come the morning although I couldn't put much weight on my left leg I was able to walk around without a stick and I was able to drive to the field - phew! As I write this The Exile is out with Oscar and my knee is throbbing!
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