Camera Shy

By Wildstar

A Different Kind of Day

It started off in darkness and brightened up later and that wasn't the weather.  I went to bed with a torch last night which was unusual but it was so that I could just check on Ginny without putting on full lights if she started wandering about in the night.  However it became a real help  at 05.50 when I woke up and realised we had no power.  There's always the little torch on our mobiles thankfully but a real torch was handy.  Lit candles and assessed the situation - it appeared all three flats were without power.  It is so different,  especially in darkness,  as you mentally tick off in your mind what you do not have access to. The most precious thing becomes your mobile phone as the tool to the outside world to summon help.  Luckily it was fully charged but that charge becomes precious as you realise that once exhausted it will be a useless object.  It's only later you phone and run engine to warm up!  Again luckily it was very mild.  To report and find out about a power outage you need to dial 105 the internet on my phone tells me but then when you navigate through all the hoops you are informed that you may face a 25 minute wait for them to answer which will start to eat in to your precious mobile minutes (that was before I thought of the car option). Soon it seemed a reasonable enough time to contact my downstairs flat neighbours who had managed to report it.  A visit from UK Power Networks later on revealed a need for the road to be dug up to repair the cable supplying our power but in the meantime a generator would be installed - see above.  It may be there for a week,  luckily not chugging away outside my bedroom window as I am on the 2nd floor.

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