The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Red flag

A lovely daunder with H and Molly to Heaven Scent for a walk, a takeaway coffee and a chat. I really needed to reset today. Mum has rallied a but and has started eating and drinking a bit  herself and doesn't  need fed like she did yesterday.  The antibiotics  are starting  to have an effect, so hopefully  she will be able to stay in her sheltered housing. After our experience  when Dad was in and out of hospital  and convalescence home, to care home, I was really worried. But the red flag to all that... for now at least.
Keep everything  crossed as I really can't  begin  to deal with that and lockdown and puppy in heat and two adults working from home and cleaning and cooking.
Where's  the gin?

Red flag, red flag.

As aye


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