Goodbye Rowing Machine…

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for being AWOL… no real excuse… also thanks to those who checked on me… 

Well, the new workshop benches are complete and in place and some other changes have been made that will be of benefit to me… the guys were kind enough to do them for me as they are not working because of the lockdown. They plan to resume work on the 8th February.

I have a telephone call booked to speak with the headhunter next Monday, hopefully she won’t cancel this time… fingers crossed on that one.

My daughter is off to California next Friday, her mum’s operation is scheduled for mid Feb.

My concept 2 rowing machine is going today… I have had it since 2004 when I was training for the World Masters Track Cycling Championships the following year… I did always enjoy training on it and my times were quite reasonable.

Well with my wonky hip I can’t really use it any more so thought it make sense to let it go… and talking of wonky hips it has been quite bad recently and I seem to be struggling to walk normally nowadays… I look a bit like Ratso Rizzo, which I am sure you will agree is not a good look so I may well stay in permanent lockdown. 

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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