
By strawhouse

Road Closed

Miss L was in the kitchen when I came down this morning. Bad Mummy not getting up until 9.30am whilst everyone else is up for work and school!
I gave her a massive cuddle and said "Alright Angel Cakes?" as I do most mornings.
I had my phone in my hand and as Miss L opened her mouth to answer a  booming cheerful man's voice came out of nowhere "Not too shabby!"
Siri was obviously having a good day!
It was absolutely hilarious. It's been a while since I've heard Miss L laugh so hard. We were both crying!! 
Alright Angel Cakes?
Not too shabby!!!!
I had a day sorting out holiday plans. We moved our planned February weekend in Bergen to December (hopefully snowy and extra Christmassy!) and I booked Kelling for November and a weekend at Corfe Castle in May.
We live in hope!!

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